>> Open postdoctoral positions for Fall 2024

Get Involved!

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Besides the possibility of volunteering in the lab, Columbia provides several opportunities to get involved in the lab’s research. If interested in volunteering for these opportunities, please fill out this application. We typically only accept Columbia and Barnard students (due to IRB restrictions), but we encourage all to apply!

Unfortunately, at this time we do not have opportunities for high school students.

Note: if you are interested in working with us through the Barnard Summer Research Institute Program, please reach out to our lab manager. This opportunity is only available for Barnard College students.

For any questions or to follow up, please contact our lab manager.

PhD Program

If interested in joining the lab as a doctoral student, feel free to contact Dr. Freeman. Interested students can apply to Columbia’s Psychology PhD Program. General information from the Columbia Graduate School of Arts & Sciences and applications can be found here.

Postdoctoral Fellows & Visiting Scholars

If interested in working in the lab as a postdoc or visiting scholar, feel free to get in touch.

[More info to come!]